Friday, April 12, 2013

Five for Friday Freebie!

Whew, this week flew by, probably because it was only a 4 day work week for me!! I hope you all had a marvelous week! I'm doing my usual link up with Kacey over at Doodle Bug's for Five for Friday! I am also linking up with Teacher's Blogger Addict for Friday FREEBIE!! :)

1.  This week we dug a little deeper into expository text.  I don't know who enjoyed it more, me or the kids!  Their pieces of writing are REALLY coming along!  Following the format of the writer's workshop, we of course did our mini lesson first.  We had to discuss the difference between telling all about something or someone and telling a story about something or someone.  Once I shared two pieces of my writing about the same topic (of course I forgot to take a picture of it... errrr!) they seemed to really get it!  On our first day of independent writing students simply added a list of things or people they know all about, of course I modeled this first!! On day two we began the brainstorming piece.  Oh. my. word.  These kids love anything to do with sticky notes and when they find out they get to use them to brainstorm (this was not the first time we've done this) their writing is SO much more detailed!! I swear some of my Lovies go through like 15 sticky notes for their brainstorming piece.  When picking my topic during my lesson I chose Mo Willems to write about.  First I wrote all the things I knew about him down on sticky notes, each thing on a different note.  Then, with the help of my kids we put them in the order we thought the information should be shared. 
The next day we spend some time talking about a good beginning and turning the sticky notes into sentences.
I then explained that IF they were to get done with their writing before the end of independent writing that they could begin their illustrations, so of course I had to QUICKLY model that!  Now, there is just one more thing we must do before we finish this piece of writing next week, the conclusion!!  Like I said above, their writings are really coming along, I love reading their work! :)

 These resources are available as a freebie on in my TPT store!  Click the picture below to check it out! :)

 2. Last weekend I spent some major time beginning my centers for the end of the year.  I've worked a little bit each night on them, I'm hoping to be done this weekend!! Check back soon to check them out!! For today I will leave you with a sneak peak of the craftivity that will be included in the literacy centers!   Ekk, I love these little baseball players! :)

3. Most all of my kids finished up their "What do they eat?" activity for Charlotte and Wilbur!  We should be finishing the book this next week or the beginning of the week after!! My kids are so hooked on this book! I love it! :)  Here are a few of my favorites that were created!

4. In our "Charlotte's Web" center this week, my kids had the task to write a persuasive article for the Weekly Chronicle to persuade readers to come out and visit Wilbur at the Zuckerman's Farm.  While there were some better than others, as with everything that is done in the classroom, I was in love with the creativity of some of their writings!
This is also my FREEBIE for this week!  Click this link to download the template from Google Docs! 

5.  While I spent quite a bit of time this week working on stuff for my classroom, I didn't sacrifice any time with my sweet girl, I try to wait until she goes to bed to begin working!  Tuesday after my workout, I decided I was a little too lazy to cook, SO we went to Jason's Deli!!  Let's just say my sweet girl thoroughly enjoyed herself! After eating a good bit of her mac and cheese, she decided she was ready for the frozen yogurt!! However when it came time to eat it, B decided it was a better idea to go back and forth between the froyo and her mac and cheese.  One bite of froyo, one bite of mac and cheese.  This went of for quite a while.  She was happy none the less!  :) 
It is our nightly routine to read before prayers and bed each night.  It is a rare occasion that I get away with reading only 2 books.  This little girls love for books makes my heart melt!  :)  Last night B was "reading" Goodnight Moon and telling everything "nite" and "bye" as she flipped through the pages!  Then this morning she decided to stuff her bag with AS MANY BOOKS AS POSSIBLE!  I think she managed to get about 10 books inside her bag before she became TOO frustrated with not being able to shove anymore in! 
Since yesterday was our Friday, we got to sleep in and enjoy the morning, even watch a little bit of her favorites Doc McStuffins and Sofia the First! :)  Tonight we will be getting ready for our yearly garage sale in the morning!!

Before I go though, I need some help!!! Our science fair is coming up soon.  I'm still STUCK on what to do.  Any suggestions of fun things you've done with your kiddos?!?

Have a great weekend! :)


  1. Wow! I am super impressed by your writing lesson and freebie! Thanks so much for the inspiration :)

    The Frizz

    The Frizz in First Grade

    1. Thank you! Writing has become one of my favorite subjects to teach, it helps that my kids have grown to love it too! :)

  2. That freebie is awesome! Thanks for sharing. My peanut loves Doc and Sophia too. :) Last year for our science fair project we did what would happen to the m on an m&m when it was put in water. That was a lot of fun. Plus I used m&m pictures to put everyone's names on the board. ( And they got to eat some m&m's which they loved.) Another one I loved was the dancing raisins. Put raisins in a glass of 7 Up and see what happens. ( They float up and down because of the carbonation.) Hope that helps. :)
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

    1. Oh my goodness, your ideas are AWESOME!! Very original too, I've never heard of either of those things!! Now I have to pick which one to do! ..... Looks like I will be drawing one of them out of a hat to decide on this one! :) THANK YOU!

  3. Oh my gosh - I love those baseball players! So fun!

    Lucky to Be in First

    1. Thank you, Molly! I'm a little in love with them myself! :)

  4. I like your approach with the Mo Willems books. We did a whole unit this year as well with his books. But we did not go at from the expository writing angle. I will totally share this with my teammate as an idea for next year. Thanks


    Curious Firsties

    1. Absolutely! My kids knew all of these things and "helped" me come up with the facts since I am so obsessed with Mo Willems myself! He is one of the first authors I introduce to my kids and I always share all I know about him with the kids!

  5. Wonderful things on your blog...
