Recently, I realized that it was truly something I miss dearly. Something that has been missing for me. Writing for me, is something I learned to love as an adult. Writing is an outlet for me, a place for me to share, a place for me to get creative. It's almost as therapeutic to me as creating is.
You'll notice if you look back over my last couple posts... my life has changed dramatically over the past two and a half years. I met an amazing man that I now call my husband. We have added another beautiful little girl to our family, one that I don't know how we survived without her sweetness and spunkiness (is that even a word?!) before she was here!
& to say that is where this adventure slowed... well that would be just boring, right?! haha
Just in the last 6 months, we decided that we would be moving from the one place we've always called home.. Texas... to Minnesota! It was really not even an option after BG was based in Minni for his new job!
After six years teaching second grade, in a place I considered my second home, with my second family, I put in my letter of resignation. Shortly there after, we put our house up for sale.
The thought of putting in my letter of resignation without knowing I had a job secure in MN was absolutely nauseating. Leaving the home that I bought on my own as a single mom and then built up our little family in... gut-wrenching. This is what needed to be done though for our family. So we jumped in, feet first & somewhat blindfolded.
This journey has taught me a lot. It has been a reminder that this is NOT about the plan I had mapped out in my head for my life and family. It has taught me to be more humble. It has taught me to be patient. It has reminded me that I need to rely on God more and try to relinquish my need for constant control.
Shortly after we moved, my little B turned FIVE, yes five. We've settled in well and made some new friends already! Oh & after thinking it was never going to happen... I not only secured a job, but had a choice between two different jobs --> more details on that to come!
One thing through all of this that I have come to realize I need to do a better job of... is taking care of myself. I don't know if it is just being a mom... being a wife... being a woman... but I tend to always put myself last. I'm realizing though to make sure that I do my best as a mother, wife, friend... I need to take care of myself though too.
So I have created a "goals" page in my planner... It includes reading a book a month, blogging, working out, creating again, and learning hand lettering!
I'll be back soon... Promise!

It SO is His plan and not ours! Life is so much better when I surrender and take a back seat. But I have to push to do that daily! I constantly find myself thinking about when will the time come for us to have littles of our own. Married for almost 5 years and no kids? I'm reminded about it every time someone asks! But why wonder when I know He has it set for me and husband. God is giving me a class of about 16 littles and for now, I'll sit back and let His beautiful plan unfold. Anywho, now I'm rambling, but I love your post and I definitely relate. Can't wait to hear about the job! ��