The usual link up with Kacey over at Doodle Bugs! :)
1. I will start with the ugly so I can end with the shine! When this week began, I knew that it was going to be a hectic week, however I didn't realize with all of the tragedies that occurred it would be nearly as hectic as it was.
The week began with the tragic bombings at the Boston Marathon. I have been asked if it makes me scared to run now. My answer is no, in two weeks I will be participating in the color run. Living in fear, is not living. When it is my time, I will go, until then I will live my life to the fullest enjoying all of the little things!
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Thank you Melonheadz for the pictures! |
If you're a fellow Texan, you surely know where West is. This is a sweet little town that I drove through on my way to school when I was in college as I came and went from home. Currently, I live about 45 minutes from West. Being that both sides of my family are of Czech decent I always LOVED stopping to grab some fresh kolaches, especially the pineapple and poppy seed ones!! I have a huge weakness when it comes to anything with poppy seed!!! Waking up to find out the news of what happened on Wednesday night in West was devastating! I can say though that I couldn't be more proud of how people from all over the state of Texas have responded to the tragic events!
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Thank you Melonheadz for the pictures! |
I could go on with more that happened on Thursday and Friday... but I will stop here.
2. Let's get happy! Saturday of last weekend, my mom and I had a garage sale!! I would say it was quite successful! We had a couple of friends bring over items in addition to ours... I meant to take a "before" and "after" sale shot and of course I forgot. We were able to get rid of A TON of junk and make a little money, too!! Altogether, we made close to $400 between all the families! Not too shabby for cleaning out the house! Around lunchtime that day, two of my brothers came over to start putting up the shed I bought a couple weeks ago! Let's just say what looked like an easy job .... was anything but easy! Seven hours later we were finally done! B even got to try and give the boys a hand! The picture below is a snapshot of the weekend, including her first ice cream cone, first fortune cookie, helping out with the shed, and helping mommy make dinner on Sunday!
3. On Monday, I began introducing "how-to" writing. As we began this, we did a fun little activity to introduce it. EDIBLE CHARLOTTES! Yep, you heard it right, we made edible Charlottes. Two years ago I did this with my kids and it was a hit. It worked out perfectly that we were introducing expository writing and focusing on "how-to" writing during our Charlotte's Web unit again this year! My kids were so excited about this and so was I! I started off the lesson by simply explaining what we were doing, telling students the supplies they were going to need, and showing students how-to make the edible Charlotte. From that point, it was all in the students hands.
After they finished making their Charlotte, I of course had to get pictures of them with their Charlotte! :)
Once they finished making their Charlotte, they had to complete their "how-to" brainstorming map. Let me tell you, I think was the MOST engaged and quiet they have ever been during writing time. I would say it was because they love writing, especially expository-how-to writing so much, but lets be honest....It is really because they knew that once they were done with their writing and I checked it, they could eat their Charlotte! :)
My favorite part of this lesson is without a doubt, taking their writing and then making a Charlotte following their directions! Let me tell you......... They learn really quick exactly how specific and detailed they must be with their writing! Here is just a sampling of how some of the spiders turned out following their directions!
*You may think some of these look close... but none of the "eyes" have anything keeping them to the crackers!!*
If you haven't had the opportunity to check out my expository freebie writing on TPT, click here to check out the post with more details on the unit!
4. Wednesday, was a much awaited day for my kids! Our class field trip! I have been hearing NON-STOP for over a month the countdown to our field trip! Back in August, I applied for a Target Grant for field trips. I was one of the lucky picks to receive this grant, so my class ONLY was able to go on a field trip for a day! I decided to take my kids out to a local retreat and we worked on team-building exercises outside in the AM and were able to go to their on-site theater in the afternoon! I will do a longer more detailed post later about this so not to clog up this post, too much!! :)
5. While I had every intention of getting my current unit I am working on completed this week, it did not happen!! I completely blame the craziness of this week on that!! I have just been mentally and physically exhausted, so it hasn't happened!! I spent extra time this week cuddling on the couch with this cutie, she doesn't like to share her time with the computer!! I can't say that I blame her! :)
As we look forward, as we reflect upon this past week, I will leave you with the verse below.
Thanks for sharing all your positive. I can't wait to hear about your field trip adventures.
Sweet n Sassy in 2nd
Check out this WEST Fundraiser from a Teacher in Temple (at my old school actually)
I'm gonna blog about this after I eat dinner.